Sydney CocoaHeads – Thursday, November 21st

November CocoaHeads is next week - Thursday night, November 21st.

This month we’ve got Craig Stanford giving us the second instalment of his UIDynamics talk: “Even more dynamical!”. In addition, Mark Aufflick will be speaking about “MTAudioProcessingTap, Audio processing and ring buffers”. Prepare for your minds to be blown.

CocoaHeads is held it Atlassian - which means free pizza and beers. See you there!

… As for next month, CocoaHeads falls quite close to Christmas (i.e. the 19th)… there will likely be more informal get together (so no dinner suits). More details closer to the date.

When: Thursday November 21st, 6:30pm Where: Atlassian (Level 6, 341 George St, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia) Look for the Westpac building opposite Martin Place (next to the old Virgin Megastore) and since the bank will be closed there’s a side entrance to access the lifts on Wynyard St.